Hearing Aids

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Signia Intuis 3

Overview Signia, the creator of the Intuis 3, is owned and operated by WS Audiology, one of the largest hearing aid conglomerates in the world. WS Audiology also owns other hearing aid companies, such as

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ear barotrauma

Ear Barotrauma

If you have ever traveled in an airplane, you may have felt as if you needed to “pop” your ears during the ascent and descent. Oftentimes, ears will feel plugged and sound as if your

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In-Ear Hearing Aid

Hearing aids come in several shapes and sizes.  There are two types of hearing aids that sit on top of, or slightly behind, the ear.  These are behind the ear (BTE) and receiver in the

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Medical Grade Hearing Aids

Medical Grade Hearing Aids A hearing aid is an electronic device designed to help people with hearing loss in one or both ears. Hearing aids come in all different shapes and sizes and can be

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Extending the Life of Hearing Aid Batteries

There are two basic types of hearing aid batteries: rechargeable and disposable.  While the majority of behind-the-ear and receiver-in-the-ear hearing aids have switched to rechargeable batteries, there are still many hearing aids that use disposable

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Amazon Hearing Aid

Introduction Chances are you’ve heard of Amazon. They are a massive online marketplace that allows you to buy and sell almost anything. They started off as booksellers and have grown to epic proportions. Whether you

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Why don’t my hearing aids work

Hearing loss can be incredibly frustrating and isolating. If you’ve tried hearing aids but they don’t seem to work, a cochlear implant may be the best solution for you. Cochlear implants are advanced medical devices

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Picasso Hearing Aids

Overview The Picasso hearing aid is a custom-made device made by hearing aid manufacturer, Starkey. These devices are custom made to fit inside your ears and are tailored to your needs in order to provide

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Do you need a prescription for a hearing aid?

After a long anticipated wait, over-the-counter hearing aids were released to the public in October 2022.  This release created an entirely new category of hearing aids.  The two common categories of hearing aids consumers will

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Signia Motion X Review

Overview Signia is one of the most well-known hearing aid brands in the world and is owned by WS Audiology, the largest hearing aid conglomerate in the world. Prior to 2015, Signia was known as

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Unitron Shine Rev+ Review

Overview Unitron is a leading brand of the Sonova Group, the largest hearing aid manufacturer in the world. Other than Unitron, you can also find Lyric hearing aids and Phonak products under the Sonova umbrella.

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Unitron Stride Review

Overview Unitron is a leading brand of the Sonova Group, the largest hearing aid manufacturer in the world. Unitron is based in Canada with a U.S. headquarters in Minnesota. While the company has its largest

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