What is the Word Recognition Score (WRS)?
A word recognition score (WRS) is a measure of how well a person can understand speech. It is calculated by dividing the number of words that a person correctly repeats by the total number of words in a list. The WRS is expressed as a percentage.
How do we score word recognition?
Word recognition is scored by presenting a list of words to the person being tested and asking them to repeat the words. The number of words that the person correctly repeats is then divided by the total number of words in the list. The WRS is expressed as a percentage.
What is word recognition score in speech discrimination?
Word recognition score is a measure of speech discrimination. Speech discrimination is the ability to understand speech in the presence of background noise. The WRS is a good measure of speech discrimination because it takes into account both the person’s ability to hear the words and their ability to understand the words.
What is the word recognition test?
The word recognition test is a hearing test that is used to measure a person’s ability to understand speech. The test is typically administered by an audiologist. The audiologist will present a list of words to the person being tested and ask them to repeat the words. The number of words that the person correctly repeats is then divided by the total number of words in the list. The WRS is expressed as a percentage.
What presentation level for word recognition score?
The presentation level for word recognition score is the level at which the words are presented to the person being tested. The presentation level is typically expressed in decibels (dB) HL. The presentation level for word recognition score is typically 30-40 dB HL above the person’s pure-tone thresholds.
Word recognition score is a valuable tool for assessing a person’s ability to understand speech. The WRS can be used to diagnose hearing loss and to monitor the effectiveness of hearing treatment.