
What is the Stapedius?

The stapedius is the smallest skeletal muscle in the human body. It is located in the middle ear, and its tendon is attached to the neck of the stapes, the smallest bone in the body. The stapedius is innervated by the facial nerve.

The stapedius muscle has two main functions:

  • To protect the inner ear from loud sounds. When loud sounds enter the ear, the stapedius muscle contracts. This contraction stiffens the middle ear, which helps to reduce the amount of sound that reaches the inner ear.
  • To help focus sound. The stapedius muscle also helps to focus sound waves on the eardrum. This is important for hearing high-pitched sounds.

The name “stapedius” comes from the Greek word “stapēs,” which means “stirrup.” This is because the stapedius muscle is shaped like a stirrup.

What is the function of stapedius?

The stapedius muscle has two main functions:

  • To protect the inner ear from loud sounds.
  • To help focus sound.

Where is the stapedius?

The stapedius is located in the middle ear, and its tendon is attached to the neck of the stapes, the smallest bone in the body.

What does stapedius mean?

The name “stapedius” comes from the Greek word “stapēs,” which means “stirrup.” This is because the stapedius muscle is shaped like a stirrup.

What is the stapedius muscle called?

The stapedius muscle is also known as the stapedius reflex.


The stapedius muscle is a small but important muscle in the middle ear. It helps to protect the inner ear from loud sounds and to focus sound waves on the eardrum. The stapedius muscle is innervated by the facial nerve, and it contracts in response to loud sounds.