Reissner’s membrane, also known as the vestibular membrane, is a thin, delicate membrane that separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli in the cochlea. It is located within the inner ear and is essential for hearing.
What is the Difference Between Reissner’s Membrane and the Basilar Membrane?
Reissner’s membrane and the basilar membrane are two of the three membranes that make up the cochlea. The basilar membrane is located below Reissner’s membrane and separates the scala media from the scala tympani. The main difference between the two membranes is their thickness. Reissner’s membrane is much thinner than the basilar membrane, which allows it to vibrate more easily.
What is Reissner’s Membrane Physiology?
Reissner’s membrane plays an important role in hearing. When sound waves enter the ear, they cause the stapes, a small bone in the middle ear, to vibrate. This vibration is transmitted to the cochlea, where it causes Reissner’s membrane to vibrate. The vibration of Reissner’s membrane causes the fluid in the scala media to vibrate, which in turn stimulates the hair cells in the organ of Corti. The hair cells send signals to the brain, which interprets them as sound.
What is Reissner’s Membrane Made of?
Reissner’s membrane is made of two layers of cells: an outer layer of epithelial cells and an inner layer of mesothelial cells. The epithelial cells are responsible for providing support and protection for the membrane, while the mesothelial cells are responsible for secreting the fluid that fills the scala media.
What are the 3 Membranes of the Cochlea?
The three membranes of the cochlea are:
- Reissner’s membrane
- Basilar membrane
- Tectorial membrane
Reissner’s membrane separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli, the basilar membrane separates the scala media from the scala tympani, and the tectorial membrane covers the basilar membrane.