
What is an Otoblock?

An otoblock is a sponge or piece of cotton that is used to prevent impression material from going too deep into the ear canal during the impression-taking procedure for a custom-fit hearing aid. The otoblock is typically placed at the first bend of the ear canal, which is the narrowest part of the canal. This helps to ensure that the impression material is properly distributed and that it does not enter the middle ear.

What is the first bend of the ear canal?

The first bend of the ear canal is the narrowest part of the canal. It is located about 1-2 centimeters from the opening of the canal. The first bend is important because it helps to protect the middle ear from infection.

Are ear impressions safe?

Ear impressions are generally safe. However, there is a small risk of infection. If you have any concerns about ear impressions, you should talk to your hearing healthcare professional.

What are the benefits of ear impressions?

Ear impressions have several benefits, including:

  • They provide a precise fit for custom-fit hearing aids.
  • They can help to improve the sound quality of hearing aids.
  • They can help to reduce feedback.
  • They can help to improve the comfort of hearing aids.

How much does it cost to get an ear impression?

The cost of an ear impression varies depending on the location and the type of hearing aid. 


Otoblocks are an important part of the impression-taking procedure for custom-fit hearing aids. They help to ensure that the impression material is properly distributed and that it does not enter the middle ear. Ear impressions are generally safe and have several benefits, including providing a precise fit for custom-fit hearing aids, improving the sound quality of hearing aids, and reducing feedback.