Hereditary Hearing Loss

What is Hereditary Hearing Loss?

Hereditary hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that is passed down from parents to their children. It can be caused by a mutation in a single gene or by a combination of mutations in multiple genes.

What Are The Types of Hereditary Hearing Loss? 

There are many different types of hereditary hearing loss, but they can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • Syndromic hearing loss: This type of hearing loss is associated with other physical or mental health problems. Some examples of syndromic hearing loss include Usher syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, and Pendred syndrome.
  • Nonsyndromic hearing loss: This type of hearing loss is not associated with any other health problems. It is the most common type of hereditary hearing loss.

Can Hearing Loss Be Hereditary? 

Yes, hearing loss can be hereditary. In fact, about 50% of all hearing loss is caused by genetic factors.

How Is Hereditary Deafness Diagnosed? 

Hereditary deafness can be diagnosed through a combination of genetic testing and audiological testing. Genetic testing can identify the specific gene or genes that are responsible for hearing loss. Audiological testing can assess the severity of the hearing loss.

At What Age Does Hearing Loss Start? 

The age at which hearing loss starts can vary depending on the type of hereditary hearing loss. In some cases, hearing loss may be present at birth. In other cases, hearing loss may not develop until later in life.