
What binaural means?

Binaural hearing refers to the ability to hear with both ears. This allows us to localize sounds in space, distinguish between different sounds, and hear more clearly in noisy environments.

Binaural audio is a type of audio recording that simulates the natural sound localization cues that we experience in the real world. This can be used to improve the sound quality of hearing aids, create more immersive virtual reality experiences, and promote relaxation.

What does binaural audio do?

Binaural audio is a type of audio recording that simulates the natural sound localization cues that we experience in the real world. This is done by recording sound from two microphones placed in the same position as the human ears. When the audio is played back, the listener’s brain can use the differences in the timing and loudness of the sound between the two ears to create a three-dimensional soundscape.

Does binaural actually work? 

Yes, binaural audio does actually work. Studies have shown that people who listen to binaural audio are able to localize sounds more accurately and distinguish between different sounds more easily than those who listen to monaural audio (audio that is recorded from only one microphone).

Are binaural sounds safe?

Yes, binaural sounds are safe. They do not produce any harmful levels of sound pressure. However, some people may experience discomfort or nausea if they listen to binaural audio for extended periods of time.

What are the benefits of binaural hearing?

  • Improved sound localization: Binaural hearing allows us to localize sounds in space more accurately. This is important for safety, as it allows us to identify the source of a sound and avoid potential hazards.
  • Enhanced speech understanding: Binaural hearing also helps us to understand speech more clearly, especially in noisy environments. This is because binaural hearing provides us with additional cues that help us to distinguish between different sounds.
  • Reduced listening effort: Binaural hearing can also reduce listening effort. This is because our brains do not have to work as hard to process sound when we have two ears to listen with.

Applications of binaural audio

  • Hearing aids: Binaural audio is often used in hearing aids to improve the sound quality and overall performance of the devices.
  • Virtual reality: Binaural audio is also used in virtual reality (VR) applications to create a more immersive experience. This is because binaural audio can help to create the illusion that the user is actually in the virtual environment.
  • Meditation: Binaural audio is also used in meditation and relaxation apps. The calming effects of binaural audio can help people to focus and de-stress.


Binaural hearing is a natural ability that allows us to hear with both ears. This provides us with a number of benefits, including improved sound localization, enhanced speech understanding, and reduced listening effort.