Hearing Health

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What is White Noise?

White noise, in the context of hearing, plays a role in our auditory system and has implications for our perception of sound. 

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Is Candling Ear Wax Safe? – Ask An Audiologist

Ear candling is an alternative medicine based on pseudoscientific principles that claim to remove earwax and toxins from the passages in one’s head. Ear candlers believe that the head contains pathways that are all interconnected

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What Is The Human Hearing Range?

There are a variety of sounds in our environment at any given time and place. From the faintest of sounds that we barely notice to the loudest of sounds that we experience, sounds and noises

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What You Need To Know About Hearing Test Frequency

Hearing tests are essential for evaluating an individual’s auditory ability. These tests measure the range and sensitivity of hearing, helping to identify any hearing loss or impairment. Frequencies play a crucial role in hearing tests,

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Hearing Aid Side Effects

Hearing aids are a medical device, and as such, for best outcomes, they need to be fit to an individual’s prescription.  If a hearing aid is improperly fit, this can sometimes lead to undesired side

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Can you cheat a hearing test?

The auditory system is made up of a series of complex pathways that lead from the outer ear all the way up to the brain. The auditory system has three main components: the outer ear,

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Noise Sensitivity

What are your favorite sounds? Maybe it’s taking a bite out of a crisp apple, a four-string quartet, or hearing the roar of a river. For some people, sound can be a real nuisance, even

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Why Do I Hear Ringing In My Ears

What is tinnitus? How do I know I have it? Simply put, tinnitus is a sound that you can hear that others can not.  Tinnitus is not an organic problem in and of itself, instead,

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earwax food

What foods cause ear wax build up?

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. Its purpose is to protect the ear by trapping dust and other small particles and to prevent the

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Earwax Removal Home Remedies

Why your ears make wax Your ears are self cleaning!  Ear wax is a completely natural substance that actually works to lubricate the skin in your ear canal and to kill germs. Ear wax is

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